A person’s health isn’t generally a reflection of genes, but how their environment is influencing them. Genes are the direct cause of less than 1pc of diseases: 99pc is how we respond to the world. ~Bruce Lipton

Many native cultures have used smudging and sacred ceremonies to cleanse and renew energy and to mark a significant rite of passage or celebration of birth or death. Smudging is the act of burning sage, cedar or other herbs traditionally with an abalone shell and feather while saying a prayer, mantra or intention. Drumming often accompanies the smoke ritual.

You can smudge a building such as a home, barn or office as well as objects and people when you feel clogged or negative energy. I always use sage either as a burning stick or essential oil spray on students before they enter the Reiki class space. It cleanses their field and starts everyone off in a space of cohesiveness. I tend not to do it directly over pets as the smoke is too intense. They will receive the benefits of the space they live in being purified.

For buildings, I like to start on the outside with the burning sage smoke outlining the foundation and all doors and windows. For multiple story buildings I aim the smoke up and use the feather to outline as best as possible. I imagine any lower or denser energies being released and run a few frequencies of light to facilitate the process. Then I do the same thing on the inside of the structure marking the perimeter of each room and highlighting all doors and windows. It is best to have some windows open as it lets the smoke and old energies out.

After the property breathes the sage for about twenty minutes. I will then go around with higher vibrational instruments to bring in the energies of creation that match my client’s desires. It is also common to include the four directions and elements in the smudging ceremonies.

When Is A Good Time To Smudge?

Ideal times to smudge are before any meetings or large gatherings, when engaging in prayers or energy work and after any major arguments, heavy emotions, illness, or uncomfortable paranormal activities. For regular space maintenance, doing a smudge ceremony with the changing of the seasons is a good practice.