Matrix Energetics™ is a powerful field of consciousness potential that supports instantaneous and lifelong transformation for physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, relational, financial, environmental, and self-referential patterns. Based upon widely known principles of quantum physics and lesser-known principles of torsion physics, Matrix Energetics taps into the morphic field of infinite potential and provides easy access to limitless possibilities.

We are all patterns of light and information and Matrix Energetics™ is one of the vehicles I embody to access these patterns to facilitate a shift. I often see the image of a teeter-totter and explain how when you change one part of the dynamic, everything changes. Matrix Energetics™ teaches us that anything is possible when you drop into your heart and are open to play.

Instead of focusing on something that needs to be fixed or healed, I bring my awareness into the energy field of my heart, I expand that feeling, noticing what I notice in that moment and trusting that what is presented to me is useful information to engage with for the session.

For that reason I don’t want many details or information about the animal beyond the name, age, breed and gender prior to the session. Usually what I tap into will directly correlate with what the clients are concerned about. Now as the session unfolds I don’t mind hearing more about the issues or conditions that need attention if they have not already expressed themselves.