Animal Communication Journeys 1 & 2
Apr 29, 2017~Apr 30, 2017
| $300Click Here to Register, or mail a check to Marla Steele, PO Box 2531, Petaluma CA 94953 and call 707.328.4997 to confirm your registration.
DAY 1: A Beginning Exploration Into The World Of Intuition With Animals
This is the foundation course for all others in the series on Animal Communication and Energy Healing for Animals. Using guided meditation and visualization exercises you will:
Receive a mini-attunement with flower essences and aromatherapy to enhance your connection to the animal and wildlife kingdoms while remembering that you are one with all that is
DAY 2: A deeper exploration of the heart-to-heart, mind-to-mind, soul-to-soul connection with pets and wildlife.
Using guided meditation and visualization exercises you will:
Location: Private address in Petaluma will be provided after registration